Malaysia was a pivotal trip for me. On my previous ministry trips, I’d always focused on one group. This time I was rarely in the same church twice. My last night there, I met with our sponsor Bishop Robert Judah Paul (cool name, huh?) and he relayed to our team that he had received many calls asking when we will be returning. He proceeded to start unfolding his vision – I would come again for a number of months and, starting in Singapore, teach and preach in six different countries!
This is one of those turning point moments in a life. I found myself asking God as he spoke, “Ok, is this what you want from me – to be a traveling speaker?” And I sensed a very emphatic “No!” from the Spirit. Though many are called to that form of ministry, it is not where God is leading me.
So, taking a big gulp, I interrupted this amazing visionary of God and told him that, flattering as all this was, it is not what I am to do. Intrigued, he stopped and allowed me to share what God made clear to me years ago – train a group of Healing Prayer ministers wherever I go. As we talked, he grew more excited and began envisioning an entirely different approach – one much more in line with my calling.“Ok,” he responded, “we will set up a city-wide seminar on Healing of the Soul (what they call it) and begin identifying your team from this initial group.” Amazing! That’s precisely what I had been hoping for. Only he said it first!