Why Paraclete?
From Paraclete associate Bill Sturdivant:
Because we love the ethos of Paraclete—the whole idea of coming alongside people—was so attractive to us. It comes from the Gospel of John—the Holy Spirit, who comes alongside to advocate, encourage, support, strengthen, empower, bless, teach. We, too, then in partnership with the Spirit, come alongside people and say, ‘How can we help you on your journey?’
Bill and Marty Sturdivant have worked with Paraclete for 11 years, allowing them to serve with rescue missions, those in recovery and refugees in Europe.
We recently featured their ministry here.
Are you looking for a mission agency with a safe, “come alongside” culture? Want to learn more about serving with Paraclete?
Visit: https://www.paraclete.net/serve/learn-more/