This is a busy time of the year for most of us. It’s ironic that our celebration of the coming of the Prince of Peace is not all that peaceful. Our prayer for you this Christmas is that His peace would be your peace!
Of course, His peace came to us at a high cost. The dramatic event of God bursting into the everyday affairs of men and women with the birth of his son was set in the groanings of creation, God’s people and the Spirit (Romans 8).
Today, if anything, the volume of that groaning is louder and the pitch more urgent. We simultaneously sense the reality of God’s good creation, and marvel at the growth of his global church, on the one hand, and on the other we see rampant evil and an increase in natural and man-made disasters. We know, and Christmas is a reminder, that God’s work in the world has begun and is moving toward a culmination. But we’re not there yet.
May this Christmas season lift your spirit and give you courage to be even more available to his project for the world!
Paraclete’s little piece of that project is coming alongside his servants—being servants of the servants.
Merry Christmas!