Ruth Finley, a former Paraclete Mission Group board member, met Jesus face-to-face on June 9th at the age of 93. She was also the widow of Paraclete’s first president, Allan Finley, who passed away some years ago.
Her friend and former co-worker, Rev Carey M. Childrey, says:
“When Allan Finley called me to be his assistant in 1985, Ruth had my refrigerator filled with food when I moved from more than halfway across the country. I will never forget that special token of Christian love from her and Allan, along with all the other myriad of ways she and Allan blessed my life…”
Paraclete CEO Glen Volkhardt, describes her life work:
“Ruth had a ministry much broader than her work with us, but many at Paraclete Mission Group remember her with great respect for years of service in the early days of our organization and for many more years as a board member of Paraclete…”
You can read her obituary here: Ruth Goodwin Finley Obituary – Visitation & Funeral Information
You may join the live-stream Celebration of Life and Faith on June 14th, EDT, beginning at 10:45 am (EDT). After clicking on the link above, click on the obituary for Ruth Finley.
You may attend in person at Heritage Funeral Home, 3700 Forest Lawn Dr, Matthews, NC 28104