Bond Servant Ministry Cultivates Christ’s Hope in Mexico
How do a couple of church planters, a teacher, and a doctor create safe places in the world? By building bridges—and lots of them.
Through the Mexican-based ConSiervos (Bond Servant) ministry, Paraclete Associates Miguel and Becky Aguirre and Ken and Ruth Van Kirk mobilize Mexican medical and technical personnel and train them in missions practices. These trained deacon-type missionaries are then better prepared to meet not just practical needs in disadvantaged communities, but also handle the demands of doing it cross-culturally with the Gospel in mind.
“I really see the need for a more complete team, encouraging people to use what God has given them to offer a more holistic community,” said Becky Aguirre, trained as a teacher. The two couples help to connect these workers—nurses, future pilots, mechanics, etc.—with traditional mission teams of church planters and Bible translators.
“Mexico still has some unreached people groups, because of the mountains,” said Miguel Aguirre, a long-time church planter, originally from Venezuela. “Church planting teams used to be all foreigners.” “Mexicans want to b
e part of the Great Commission,” added Becky Aguirre. “Latin Americans bring value of family, community, passion, hard work and flexibility. But a lot are sent out independently, which brings challenges.”
Cross-cultural service—whether in indigenous regions of Mexico or in other parts of the world—can be lonely for these family-centric Latin Americans. Team conflict can add to the isolation. Educating Mexican churches of these continuing personal needs is another important bridge to helping these Bond Servant missionaries feel connected.
“The whole idea of living life in community is that it reflects Jesus, it extends the Gospel, but it also brings that safe haven, shalom peace,” said doctor and church planter Ken Van Kirk.
Read more about the specifics of what Latin Americans bring to missions and how Bond Servant ministry is coming alongside them.
Read more stories of hope in the Paraclete 2020 Summary of Ministries.