We are beginning to hope that spring is truly here in Colorado. After some heavy snow in late April, precipitation is now falling in the form of rain along the Front Range of the Rockies, and as I write, in early May, the low temperatures in the ten-day forecast for Colorado Springs don’t fall below the 40s! That brings a smile to my face!
There are other signs. The grass out my office window is green. It has been a while since we’ve seen that. Our honey bees are busy—you can almost tell the temperature by the number of bees coming and going. And three friends or family members are getting married in the next six weeks! A sure sign of spring!
We are always on the lookout for signs of what God is doing in the hearts of the people we work with. This year, reviewing the reports of Paraclete associates, I noticed how many words of thanks they had received. That’s a sure sign of spiritual impact. Here are a few examples:
Thank you so much for your contribution to iSanctuary this year. We are touched by the talent, time, effort, resources, and humbling compassion that you shared.
From a Ministry FounderI wanted to follow up on your precious day with us. It was such a treat for all of us. Thank you for so patiently and graciously listening to each of us. Such a gift. Ministry leader in Hong Kong.
Thank you for your spiritual maturity, your constancy, your willingness to ‘be there’ not only for me but dozens of others…
From a Mentoree
Our thanks to you, for your interest in Paraclete!