Nathan and Rachelle Dell
The Dells live and work among the Waorani people in the Amazon Jungle of Ecuador, South America, where they began their missionary work in 1999. Because Rachelle grew up among these people as a missionary kid, she enjoys a strong kinship relationship that opens many doors. This privilege allows Nate & Rachelle to interact with the people while working under the direction and leadership of the Waorani Church.
At the people’s request, the Dells help organize and lead courses that train tribe members to address both practical and spiritual life skills. They also support Waorani leaders in a Sunday morning Bible study, a monthly kid’s program, a young adult Bible study, and a discipleship group. In addition, Rachelle accompanies Waorani patients to the hospital in Shell, translating and advocating for them, while Nate uses his vocational skills to assist the tribe.
Nate and Rachelle have one adult daughter, Natalia, who currently lives in the US and is struggling with chronic health issues. Her prayer support and listening ears make her an invaluable part of the team.