Paraclete associate, Julie Field, ministers in Ethiopia. She has been working with a local group in ministry to teenaged girls. This month they received formal NGO status. Here’s what Julie wrote in a press release to other agencies working with young women.
Pink Girl Ethiopia is a licensed NGO in Bahir Dar- Northern Ethiopia! We have been a pilot program for four years and have grown from 15 girls to 200 since January, 2011. In Ethiopia only 30% of girls complete high school, and only 20% go on to university. Pink Girl believes that the girls need tutoring and life skill support and with that will move through university. In four years 24 girls have gone on to university or nursing college and 95% of our girls each year pass to the next grade. We have small-sized classrooms with a max of 20 girls. We have taught the teachers to tutor and create an interactive learning environment, and it is working. We may be small but we are powerful.
P in K = Power in Knowledge Girl = PinKGirl.